March 19th 2016 – Live at MAAM

Ynaktera will be performing on March 19th in the amazing location of MAAM – Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz along with the visuals of BinaryCodedBrain

Description of the event

In the beautiful and picturesque setting of the museum / factory of MAAM, Stochastic Resonance is particularly happy to invite Akamoi, after more than two years of absence from the Roman scene, which flanked by the BinaryCodedBrain generative visuals, will immers the public through its degenerative and atavistic atmospheres.

The event at MAAM will be the occasion to present a new entry in the SR Network, IMOK , with its construction of orchestral and harmonic derivation supported by generative visuals of Zephyr.

The third performance will be the entrusted partnership of Ynaktera and BinaryCodedBrain, which will result in a storm of glitches and obsessive rhythms, interspersed with reflective placide brackets.


  • Akamoi
  • Ynaktera
  • Imok


  • BinaryCodedBrain
  • Zephyr



evento maam

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