1212012 / ending beforewards

Album Art

1212012 | Ending Beforewards

1212012 comes just over a year since 1111011, first release in the catalog label SR, designed to be a showcase of the potential of newborn network, collecting tracks from 4 different styles but united by a search that then defined the line SR. The new release is intended to be instead an expansion beyond its borders, including the panorama of Rome through the collaboration with external artists that, alike, make their musical and artistic research their ideal pivot.

The album was presented live on December 12th 2012 at Animal Social Club along with an experimental dance, video and music performance, “Ending Beforewards” with the dance collective Organic Systems. Video about performance can be found here.



01. Ynaktera – Millennia
02. Ghosphace – A.K.T.
03. Scual, Ynaktera – Överfall Slopes
04. Alen Dunn, Frank Martin – Sumimasen Beatless
05. Alen Dunn, Frank Martin – Sumimasen
06. Ales Digre – Saturn’s Circle
07. Scual – Fuchsia Diagonal Splitting Mood



Released 12 December 2012

Music by Alen Dunn, Ales Digre, Frank Martin, Ghostphace, Scual, Ynaktera.
Design & Illustrations by Scual
Production by Stochastic Resonance & Ynaktera
Mastered by Ynaktera at Bootleg Recording Studio, Rome



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